
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Oct. 15: 5 Year Blog-aversary

Today marks the fifth year since I started writing on here.  I posted before and after photos of my first hair donation (now I've done three).  I had just moved to Delaware, was without a permanent job (substitute teaching), and without kids or a dog.  Meaning, I had some time to write and not much to do.

I figured I would just write about local places that were new to me, and add some information about books, recipes, or my hobbies.  Over the years I have ended up including a lot of different posts, and basically created an online scrapbook of our time in Delaware.  And of my kids first years of life.  That is probably my favorite part of the blog-rereading the tidbits about my little boys that I have forgotten.

Over the last five years, these are my most visited posts according to the statistics that blogger provides.

#10:  2013 Huntington County Fair (July 2013)
This post was actually a link to a shutterfly book I made for my mother with all my favorite photos from this years 4-H fair in my hometown.  I actually got a $10 discount from shutterfly for sharing this photobook (anyone can get this!).

#9:  Busy Bags for a Two Year Old (Feb 2013)
I started really putting busy bags together after Eli was born to give Theo some structured, independent play while I needed time to care for the baby.  This post included several bags that I put together for my just turned 2 year old niece.  I still have several ideas for more bags I want to include.

 #8:  Theodore's Reading List:  Great Books for One Year Olds (July 2011)
This was the first of a series I started when Theo was one and a half, that I try to continue each year near his half birthday.  I'm planning to add some similar posts with Eli's favorites.

#7:  Soccer Mom and Apple Picking (Sept. 2013)
This was one of my recent posts about a new-to-us orchard in northern Virginia.  I like to always look for information about places before we visit, especially as a mother of two.  I hope that other moms stumble across my posts to help them prepare for visiting places like this.

 #6:  HallOween (Nov 2012)
Last year I posted some photos and descriptions of the kids' past Halloween costumes.  With the help of pinterest, this post is getting frequent visits right now.

#5:  Math Problem:  How Many Pretzel Bites (Aug 2013)
I found a great recipe online, and posted some of my own photos of the results, my review, and a link to the original recipe.

#4:  Busy Bag:  Play-doh Mats (Feb. 2013)
This was another bag that gained popularity from pinterest.  I linked some of the best play-doh mats that I found, as well as some information about a good laminator to invest in when making bags.
#3:  Shy-Tomato Salsa (July 2010)
 This is one of my favorite posts, it includes our adventures in working with tomatillos and a salsa recipe.

#2:  Is Molasses Bad for Dogs? (Oct. 2009)
I have always felt a little bad for all the people that google this question and end up on my blog, because I don't really answer the question at all.  It was just a quick story about our new pup eating a whole batch of cookies.  She didn't really have a reaction to it, if that helps anyone.

#1:  40 Weeks Pregnant with a 9 Pound Baby (Feb. 2010)
I assume this one has just gotten popular through regular web search as well.  It was the last photo of me before I became a mother!

I plan to continue documenting our treks and the growth of my sons for as long as I find time and desire to do so.  I love reading my family and friends' blogs, and even a few strangers whom I find uplifting or interesting.  And I know that some people have the same fondness for reading mine.  But I think I would write this even if no one ever read it.  I just like the time it gives me for reflection and the memories it helps me record.

For those family and friends that read this, what are your favorite posts?  Leave me a comment and let me know!

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