
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Thomas Update: 4 Months

The last month kind of disappeared on us!  How did you become a four month old?  We've enjoyed your first Thanksgiving, and gearing up for your first Christmas, and I'm not sure where the time has gone.  You've been a great trooper at all of your brothers' Christmas programs and activities, though you're not liking riding in your car-seat as often if it is dark out (during the daytime you are still fine though and fall asleep).  Let's cross our fingers for this big car trip we've got upcoming.
Weight: 15 lbs, 9 oz
Length: 25 1/2 inches, mostly into 6-12 month clothes now, about to switch into size 3 diapers
Feeding:  Still nursing about 6 to 7 times a day.  Starting to pinch a lot more.   
Sleeping:   Same as last month, had a few more all night sessions which I appreciate.  Considering moving you to the crib after Christmas.  Have been figuring out your schedule a little, and you basically will be awake about 1.5-2 hours at a time before taking a nap, which you do at least three times a day or more if you are disturbed frequently.
Communicating:  Being quick to fuss if you don't like a change of scenery (moving from mama's arms to the swing/chair/etc).  Letting us know when you are bored and would like some toys to play with.  You love anything you can get your little fingers into and move around.
 Likes: being upright and near us, which makes your ability to sit in the bumbo now very helpful, playing with toys, your Mam pacifiers or chewing on your hands
Dislikes:  you switch between loving to splash in your bath, and crying through it, sometimes even in the same bath-time
Growth Milestones:  Rolled front to back.  Once.  Tried the doorway jumper recently, and you liked it, and ended up falling asleep in it pretty quickly.
Health:  Good check-up.  No worries (though you are lighter than your brothers were, but I'm not complaining).  Not a fan of four separate shots when they were out of the combination vaccine this time.
And your eyes have yet to turn to brown.  Fingers crossed.

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