
Monday, October 26, 2015

Thomas Update: 2 Months

The second month of your life you got to spend a week on vacation with just mama and dada, and spent the other weeks getting into our fall routine: school drop-offs and pick-ups, church, library story times, MOPS meetings, grocery shopping (or more like getting covered with groceries since there is no room in the cart with your car seat) visits to farms, soccer, and going to the nursery at the rec center. 

Weight: 12 lbs, 6 oz
Length: 24 inches, 0-3 months (getting too tall for newborn), size 1 diapers (about to start cloth)
Feeding:  Still the same, nursing about every 3-4 hours, but often only for 10-15 minutes a time.  Much less frequently than your brothers nursed, which may be why they weighed a lot more than you by this time.  You do eat more in the evenings, and varying amounts at night.  Even less spitting up this month and less hiccoughs (though still a lot of them).
Sleeping:  You are still a pretty sleepy baby.  You will spend some periods of time awake now, mostly in the evening hours when everyone is home with you.  And when awake, you want to be held.  But you will spend some time looking at mobiles in your bed or swing, and laying under your jungle gym, as long as mama is nearby.  Your favorite places to sleep are the car seat/stroller, your rocker, or with mama.  I may have placed you near the running dishwasher or in the bathroom with the vent on to prolong some nap times.  White noise is definitely your friend.  At night you'll go 5 or 6 hours before waking, eat, and go right back to sleep.
Communicating:  You started cooing at us this month, and it's pretty adorable.  You like sticking your tongue out at us and promptly starting giving the best smiles at 6 weeks of age.  You've even given a few smiles to your brothers.
Likes:  You still love your warm baths, going for walks in the stroller (or anytime you get fresh air and sun outside), and cuddling mama.
Dislikes:  tooting, when your brothers get inside your personal space
Growth Milestones:  Holding head up during tummy time, and grasping anything "string-like".
Health:  You avoided the worst of Elijah and I's shared feverish colds, but you did come out with a pretty barking cough.  It is such a sad sound.

Week 5-8.

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