
Monday, April 4, 2011

Book Recommendations: Historical Fiction

So one thing motherhood does not seem to allow for is a lot of reading time. Over the last year I have really had to work to squeeze in time to read, but I'm finally getting the hang of reading while being Theodore's mom. Mostly on the weekends...

I love historical fiction.  It has always been one of my favorite genres. Lately I have found a few great reads from this section.

"The Sky Unwashed," Irene Zabytko: I found this book in our bookshelves, apparently one Brian had from a college course. I have always been really interested in Chernobyl, even before the recent tragedy with Japan's nuclear power plant. I did a research paper on the event in high school. This book was a haunting portrayal of fictional Ukrainian villagers, and the ways that the Chernobyl accident effecting the different generations of residents. Zabytko's first book.

"Water for Elephants," Sara Gruen Before I even saw trailers for this upcoming movie, I knew I wanted to read the story. This love story reads almost like a Nicholas Sparks novel, but with smarter writing and a lot more adventure. There are a few scenes that are a little too graphic, but for the most part a great book. The story transports you back in time.

"These is my Words: The Diary of Sarah Agnes Prine", Nancy Turner: Another book shelf find by a first time novelist, I picked up this book at Changing Hands in AZ a few years ago but didn't have a chance to read it yet. Once I started, I read throughout spring break until I finished. I was hooked by the Arizona setting, but kept intrigued with Sarah's stories in the wild territories. When I found the link for the book above, I found that there is a sequel!! I must head to the book store tomorrow. She also wrote, the Water and the Blood, which I believe is also sitting on my bookshelf.

I love all three of these books, and can't rank them over each other. They all have a sad streak to them, but I can highly recommend each!